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A Modern Guide to Checkmating Patterns

Kód: 7038
€29,95 €27,23 bez DPH
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Dávať mat je cieľom každého šachistu. Zistenie tejto úplne rozhodujúcej kombinácie je nesmierne uspokojujúce. Ale ako máte rozpoznať mat, keď sedíte pri šachovnici s tikajúcimi hodinami?

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Viac ako 15 700 spokojných zákazníkov.

Podrobný popis

Vydanie 2020
Počet strán 256
Formát A5
Jazyk anglický

Giving mate is the ultimate goal of every chess player. Finding that all-decisive combination is immensely satisfying. But how are you supposed to spot a checkmate when you are sitting at the board with the clock ticking?

In this guide International Master Vladimir Barsky teaches the method created by his mentor Viktor Khenkin (1923-2010). It’s based on an ingenious classification of the most frequently occurring mating schemes. A wide range of chess players will find it an extremely useful tool to recognize mating patterns and calculate the often narrow path to the kill.

All the 1,000 examples (850 of them in exercise format) that Barsky presents are from games played in 21st century. He has carefully selected the most instructive combinations and lucidly explains the typical techniques to corner your opponent’s king. More often than you would expect, positions that look innocent at first sight, turn out to contain a mating pattern.

This is not just another book full of chess puzzles. It’s a brilliantly organized course that has proven to be effective. Finding mate isn’t rocket science, but you need to know what to look for. Vladimir Barsky teaches you exactly that.

Vladimir Barsky (1969) is an International Master, an experienced chess coach and a well-known journalist and author. He lives in Moscow.

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Anglické knihy
Záruka: 2 roky
Hmotnosť: 0.3 kg
Obtiažnosť: Pokročilý, Expert
Téma: Koncovky, Učebnica, Komentované partie
Rok vydania: 2020
Formát: A5
Jazyk: angličtina
Väzba: Mäkká
Počet strán: 256
ISBN: 9789056918873

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