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Winning Chess Middlegames - Volume 2

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Zamysleli ste sa niekedy nad tým, prečo veľmajstrom trvá len niekoľko sekúnd, kým zistia, čo sa deje v šachovej pozícii? Všetko je to o pešiakových štruktúrach, ako to vysvetlil Ivan Sokolov vo svojej prelomovej knihe Winning Chess Middlegames.

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Vydanie 2024
Počet strán 284
Formát A5
Jazyk anglický

In his 2010 bestseller, Grandmaster Sokolov focused on structures arising from 1.d4 openings; in this new companion guide, 1.e4 players get their turn. This new volume covers a dozen topical structures including various pawn formations in the flexible Ruy Lopez, Italian and Petroff openings. But also Black's doubled f-pawn in the Rauzer Sicilian, the notorious Maroczy Bind, the mysterious Hedgehog, the versatile Sveshnikov and the paradoxical French Winawer. Deeply analysed top-level games illustrate the motifs in all these structures.

Club players who study Winning Chess Middlegames 1.e4 or 1.d4 will:

  • significantly improve their middlegame skills
  • develop an accurate sense of which positions suit their style
  • gain new strategic and practical knowledge of openings

Ivan Sokolov's analysis is profound but accessible, and he doesn't take anything for granted. As reviewer Sean Marsh wrote of the first volume: "The lucid and informative explanations convey a large amount of genuine Grandmasterly wisdom. This is easily one of the best middlegame books of recent times."

Ivan Sokolov is a top grandmaster who was born in Bosnia and lives in the Netherlands. He is a former Yugoslav and Dutch Champion and has beaten World Champions Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik and Viswanathan Anand. As a coach, he led Uzbekistan to victory at the 2022 Chennai Olympiad. Sokolov has written a dozen highly acclaimed books.

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Anglické knihy
Záruka: 2 roky
Hmotnosť: 0.3 kg
Obtiažnosť: Pokročilý, Expert
Téma: Stredná hra, Diagramy, Učebnica, Stratégia
Rok vydania: 2024
Formát: A5
Jazyk: angličtina
Väzba: Mäkká
Počet strán: 304
ISBN: 9789083382722

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