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The Match of All Time + doprava zdarma

Kód: 7039
€34,95 €31,77 bez DPH
Skladom (2 ks)
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Keď sa Islandská šachová federácia v roku 1972 uchádzala o usporiadanie zápasu o titul majstra sveta medzi sovietskou ikonou Borisom Spasským a americkým vyzývateľom Bobbym Fischerom, mnohí Islanďania právom neveriacky krútili hlavami. Ako mohla ich malá ostrovná krajina uprostred Atlantického oceánu s necelých 300-tisíc obyvateľmi usporiadať tak prestížne podujatie?

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Viac ako 15 700 spokojných zákazníkov.

Podrobný popis

Vydanie 2022
Počet strán 223
Formát A5
Jazyk anglický

When the Icelandic Chess Federation made a bid to host the 1972 world title match between Soviet icon Boris Spassky and American challenger Bobby Fischer, many Icelanders were rightly shaking their heads in disbelief. How could their small island country in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean with a population of less than 300 thousand people stage such a prestigious event in the first place?

Undeterred and naively optimistic the young President of the Icelandic Chess Federation, Gudmundur Thorarinsson, set to work and to everyone’s astonishment theirs was the winning bid. But that was only the beginning of one of the most amazing stories in chess history…

Bobby Fischer’s demands and whims constantly jeopardised the match. First the American chose not to board his plane in New York, and then he came late for the first game. That game he lost after a silly blunder and the second game he lost because he didn’t turn up in a fight about noisy cameras. But next he won the third game, that was played in a back room, and the rest…. is history.

Fifty years on, Gudmundur Thorarinsson has written a tell-all book about ‘The Match of the Century’, crammed with behind-the-scenes stories and improbable twists and turns. Reading his gripping account of probably the most iconic sports contest during the Cold War, you will understand why he prefers to call it ‘The Match of All Time’.

And why reliving this most unlikely adventure he comes to the conclusion: ‘It was not possible to organise this match, nor was it possible to rescue it…but still it was done!’

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Anglické knihy
Záruka: 2 roky
Hmotnosť: 0.3 kg
Obtiažnosť: Pokročilý, Expert
Téma: Diagramy, Komentované partie, Biografia
Rok vydania: 2022
Formát: A5
Jazyk: angličtina
Väzba: Mäkká
Počet strán: 240
ISBN: 9789493257474

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